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Writer's picture: Nica CellyNica Celly

He said "nip it in the bud".

I've been transcribing the yoga sutras onto large pieces of printmaking paper. Thick, it holds watercolor well, soaking it in, in this beautiful way that you can lay drops and convex trails of aqueous paint, and over time, it dries into exceptional transcriptions. As I lay the paint on the paper, transliterating each sutra, I consult the translation as the paint sinks in. It is almost timed perfectly. Well, what a pat on the back is that?! The truth of it, I'm training myself to go EVEN slower.

The particular translation I am working with comes from Dr. Ronald Steiner. Not Rudolph Steiner (he has done so much, I wouldn't be surprised if he also translated the sutras and positioned them into his biodynamic mind-mapping waldorfing literature and theories). Ronald is a sports physician and researcher with all the accolades, including a mastery of sanskrit as well as yogatherapy, and... and... apparently one of the most "well known" (well, well!) ashtanga practitioners who is "authorized in the traditional way by the Indian grand masters Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and BNS Iyengar."

Well, I'm not mad at that. But srsly, it's the translations that are rockin. Big time. Feeling it. They are simple, direct, clear. But this one... from Book 2, Sutra 10, after discussing all the obstacles in the path, says this. and it takes that cake:

Exactly. NIP. IT. IN. THE. BUD. 

So that brings me to an invocation of my grandmother, Florence. She was a maha-historian of words and phrases, and so thus, I check in to the etymology of things. I make up odd words often, phrases that mix and match, but this word, pratiprasava, says something so interesting. There are a few:

And, of course, nip it in the bud. Snap it before it gets too grown, while it's still in its nascient state. Hence, yes, bitch ass fucking pain in my ass- if I can get you right at the gate, when you are just considering burning my consciousness into madness, if I can squeeze you with one breath of more divine intention, I will be so better off. And it's not to kill of buds, but to release from the burden- catching the invasive before it drops seeds. All that kinda stuff.

The release from the kleshas- dem ragas, dem dveshas- brings us back to our original state, our tada drashtuhu. Say word? Word. Words. So many of them.

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