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Reflections on how the practice shows up in real life places.
Newer writings are on Substack.

Jan 23, 20246 min read
I remember in my 20's how they - the proverbial they - spoke of how practices change as bodies grow older. Of course, there are...

Sep 23, 20222 min read
The Stages of Yoga: Degendered
A couple years ago, a dearest friend and I looked at the Ram Das book "Be Here Now"...

Jan 10, 20222 min read
Bound Twist: Ropes & Cactus Spines
Ropes are made from multiple strands of material twisted upon themselves...

Dec 20, 20202 min read
All is Digestion (Samana Vayu)
the fishermen / divers return to shore after fighting the wind, and gut octopuses and other catches along the rocks where the sea...

Mar 4, 20202 min read
Saucha & The Late Night Digestions
It's a slow, hot splashing tide pool...

Mar 2, 20202 min read
Too Much & Not Enough (#santosha)
I'm a too-much woman. I am one of those- imbibed with the liquor and sway of too muchness. And then it's never enough...

Jan 15, 20202 min read
Bramacarya: the Value of Empty Space
Universe outside. Universe Inside.
Open spaces and their apparent emptiness.
Filling space...

Apr 1, 20192 min read
Writing it all down. #Mantra
The Torah. It is my o.g. root text. I translated it as a child in Hebrew School- which was not an after-school thing, but a full-day...

Apr 1, 20192 min read
When it matches
I haven't seen an outfit in time. A proper one, where the pants match the shirt, and the socks, and the cloth sneakers, maybe a scrunchy...

Apr 1, 20192 min read
He said "nip it in the bud". I've been transcribing the yoga sutras onto large pieces of printmaking paper. Thick, it holds watercolor...

Mar 27, 20193 min read
B-Side Playlist. B-Side Vayu. Side A
I'm staying in this place with two big mirrors in the bathroom. I don't have mirrors at home like these- here, they span the entire sink...

Mar 27, 20192 min read
Santosha: Bucking Convention
I pray for the woman like me. The one for whom this world has no established "place." May we all find our irreplaceable "place." ...

Mar 27, 20192 min read
B-Side Playlist. #Prashthataha
Backloading. On the heels of Bacon's 4 Stumbling Blocks to Truth, I'm thinking about, while in this state of enoughness...

Mar 24, 20193 min read
Nature over Nurture.
"I saw the deer, and I swear he said thank you. I know, that's crazy."
"I love you... I'm sorry, that's weird."
"Could've sworn...

Mar 20, 20192 min read
Stealing from the future:
How do we pay back, seven generations ahead? Behind? How can we repair? We talk about...

Feb 2, 20194 min read
We are almost there. (Tapas x Satya)
It had been raining hard. But from my perch, it just seemed like it always does- the big atmospheric river moving across the farms...

Feb 1, 20193 min read
The Sole of My Foot & the Living Crust of THIS Earth
There's this really curious way that I have been positioning my foot - both on the literal gas peddle, as well as the intellect, and the...

Jan 2, 20182 min read
Noise on the Ground. Silence in Flight.
Today, there wasn't too much to sing to- middle of the day though the sun was low. It felt good, the sun out on my skin, I heard a distant..

Jan 30, 20172 min read
Ahimsa: Stop hitting yourself
You are five, and your brother is holding your wrist, and gently slapping your face with your own hand. You giggle.

May 14, 20144 min read
PRASAD: The closest I came to Sugar Mountain
The ritual food offering. It is prepared, cooked, assembled, with love and devotion, mainly for a god or goddess in the Hindu tradition...
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