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tactility & taste

with Nica Celly & Jenna Barnes

January 13, 2024

El Pescadero

BCS, Mexico

@El Campo

About the Artists

In this inaugural Sense Lab, we were curious to see what happens when we connect and transmit communication with each other through food and touch.


We spend a lot of time learning to connect with ourselves through contemplative practices on mats and cushions, and in our bodies as individuals. When we interface with the "world", touch can become an elusive tool, often reserved only for intimate relationships. However, the power of mindful touch - touch being one of our most telling innate senses-  can transform communication, and allow us to light up the wisdom of our other senses… including taste.

Nica Celly is an artist and designer who connects disparate practices to build a common understanding and equanimity across disciplines. She has been studying and practicing yoga (tantric Shaivist lineage, 500+ certified, nearly 1008 complete) for over 25 years, holds an MFA in textiles from California College of the Arts, and works across the fields of contemplative studies and mid-life established practitioners to connect mastery of their craft to emerging audiences. Learn more about her here, at, and


Jenna Barnes is a master chef who works in the wild and in situ to build plant-based dinners and food experiences from a radically local foodshed with a global narrative. Her herbal wisdom collaborates with a lifetime of working to nourish people resulting in interactive experiences that foster community, full of storytelling, qualities of the plants, and unusual recipes that build taste into history. She has been studying the flora and fauna of Southern Baja for many years. Learn more at

Documentary Photography by: Léon Jorge and Paz Fotoss

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